By Lynlie Schoene, IPLI Mentor and Chief Innovation Officer at Franklin Township Community School Corporation

In the educator’s world, June is the time for relief, relaxation, and renewal. In the principal’s world, June is the time to reflect on the past year and plan for the upcoming year. Through reflection, many principals have thought about social emotional learning, specifically trauma-informed care in the classroom. This past school year has been pivotal in defining the need in this area, not only in Indiana, but across the country. It is vital for principals to collaborate with mental health agencies, guidance counselors, and providers to set plans for the future of students with social and emotional needs. Below is a list of topics to discuss or think about as the planning begins for social and emotional learning and trauma-informed care:
- What is trauma?
- What types of trauma do our students experience?
- Brain states due to trauma response
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Trauma and Learning
- Student Resilience
- Social Emotional Learning Core Competencies
- Implementation of a Core SEL program
- Emotional Awareness of the teachers and staff
- Mindfulness
- Self-regulation
- De-escalation
- Multi-systems of Support
Students are coming to school with complex backgrounds and issues that affect attitudes, behaviors and learning. There is no single approach to meet these needs. Plans need to be researched, well-planned, implemented with fidelity, evaluated and revised. If your school is a Title I school, you may have Title IV funds to meet the needs for a well-rounded education and social emotional needs. Thank you so much for all that you do for children every day and please know that your work is noticed and honored. Here are several resources to access when planning for the next school year: